The workshop in Potsdam is meant to define the possibilities of further development in partner cities and regions. International experts will be involved in the process of city scenarios creation. In addition, the host partner Regional Planning Authority Havelland-Fläming already has valuable experience in this field from the EU project Hinterland. All this will be shared with the workshop participants.

The second very important part of the workshop is “Attractivity barometer” which will be presented by the Telemark Research Institute. The “Attractivity barometer” is a research tool that can measure attractiveness of each place. It can answer a question how and for what target groups the place is attractive. Such comparison will be made among all partners in order to list the strengths and weaknesses of each place. Later on cities and regions can decide if they would like to develop their strengths or they would better like to improve the week sides. This is also something what will be included into scenarios.

As one of the outputs the workshop should deliver “Guidelines for Scenario planning and benchmarking attractiveness” as a guide to all the other European communities to use and to learn from. All the good examples and experiences will be collected in one paper that will be presented on Innovation Circle Network page too. “The Guidelines on Scenario planning and story telling” is under development currently and will soon reach the readers.

Trans in Form project is being implemented within the Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 the 4th priority Attractive and competitive cities and regions. It was approved in Autumn 2009 and consist of 5 work-packages: 1. Management, 2. Communication, 3. Scenario planning and benchmarking attractiveness 4. New narratives and Story telling, 5. Investments and technical documentation.

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