“We are living in "liquid times" with quick changes. TiF has pointed out how infrastructure and attractiveness can impact migration and economic growth and how severely migration is changing the BSR. This is first of all national development issues but affects every region in our partnership. The challenge is to transform former rural industrial places into post industrial viable living communities. A comprehensive holistic approach is needed for the attractive transformation of regions and places. However, in Trans in Form we work with some important bits of the whole puzzle. The project has achieved to highlight the need for continuous transformation, and to make towns more dense and vibrant. This is not a small achievement! Before TiF project started the need for more compact and dynamic town structures were hardly recognized at smaller places.

We have focused on how a region or town can improve its attractiveness compared with other regions or towns and we have through the research showed how attractiveness can be different for residents, businesses and visitors! We have brought competence about the key elements which can make a difference and showed how leading cities and towns are working on the issues. The overall scenarios for strategic development have been elaborated in slightly different ways among partners. However, town scenarios showing how a transformation strategy can be manifested in physical plans are made at most partners. Attractiveness analyses are performed in all countries and have contributed to more valid scenarios.

We are also on the way of seeing concrete plans for public spaces where elements from urban design are transformed for small and medium sized regions and cities in the Baltic Sea Region. The cities and towns are also making plans for vitalizing the centers and the regions are making more overall strategies. All plans are established as a result of joint workshops and joint input and planning tools. New narratives and storytelling has been grasped in a new way, and partners have had new WebPages, new visual identification systems or graphic profile that also is a part of the storytelling. Roadmap to Highlights is in process. The new narratives and storytelling is also a way of promoting each other places. Cooperation beyond the local and the success of your neighbor are important added values in Trans in Form.”

Learn more about Trans in Form on www.tifpro.eu