The Europe 2020 Strategy is the framework within which Member States and the European Commission have committed their first negotiations to conclude the Partnerships Contracts that largely determine the implementation of the future 2014-2020 programming. Attentive to this process, which must be accompanied by a consultation of rural actors, the signatory organisations provide in this context recommendations in the fields of territorial cohesion, territorial and integrated approach, training as well as financial and administrative framework.

Amongst other things the twelve partners highlight the importance of “establishing training centres in rural areas, in order to improve their attractiveness for young people, promote the emergence of local entrepreneurs, the transmission of rural enterprises and the creation of jobs.”

Partners of the European Countryside Movement are for example the European Association for Rural Development Institutions, the European Federation of Rural Tourism, the European Leader Association for Rural Development and the Assembly of European Regions.

The communication calling for a greater involvement and inclusion of rural areas and actors in the attainment of the Europe 2020 strategy goals can be found in pdf format!

If you still wonder why people choose to live in rural areas watch the video Back to our roots in which 36 young people from nine European countries promote and defend rural life.

Picture: Copyright CharlesFred via Flickr