The new structure was criticized by some states because of discrimination of local employees and also for interfering into national labor markets. On the other hand this is a kind of tool fighting with employing illegal residents.

Differences between EU Blue Card and American Greem Card:

Permanent residency:
EU Blue Card
Does not give permanent residency
US Green Card
Gives holder permanent residency
Validity period:
EU Blue Card
Valid up to two years, renewable
US Green Card
Valid for 10 years, renewable
Permissions included:
EU Blue Card
Allows holders and families to live, work and travel in EU
US Green Card
Allows holder to live, work and travel in the US
Application requirements:
EU Blue Card
Applicant must have one-year EU job contract with salary of three times minimum wage
US Green Card
Five channels to seek a card: employment, family links, a lottery, investment, or resident since before 1972
Permanent residency / citizenship:
EU Blue Card
Permanent residency automatic after five years
US Green Card
Holders can become US citizens after five years